Unleashing the Power of Wrist Angles and Natural Mechanics

You should only teach, instruct, or discuss wrist angles concerning various pitches with regard to a posterior muscle chain dominant athlete, with a high mobile point and with HIGH-frequency. If you try to apply the same approach to a posterior muscle chain athlete, with a high mobile point and LOW-frequency, you may disrupt their coordination and potentially lead to injuries.
By emphasizing and directing excessive attention to the distal part of their body, you are forcing an unnatural movement that goes against their body’s natural structure, resulting in increased tension. It is crucial not to have these athletes consciously control their wrists, as this action will naturally happen as a result of the movements occurring proximally (in their shoulders and elbows).
Until coaches have a comprehensive understanding of each player’s distinct motor profile, it is advisable to prioritize coaching their intentions rather than excessively managing every single movement.
By doing so, the players’ inherent and natural abilities can truly come to the forefront and shine through.